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This Bouquet comes with a perfect blend of tradition and non-traditional red, pink, and purple blooms. You can add a vase to this for $15. Pricing does not include delivery.

Blended Petals Bouquet

    1. Clean vase
    2. Remove all the leaves from the that will fall below the water line (To prevent bacteria).
    3. Fill with lukewarm water (so warm enough for a 1-year-old bubble bath).
    4. Cut your flowers at a 90-degree angle (Cut at the largest angel you can).
    5. Cut your flowers and change your water every 2-3 days.
  • **Please Note: Pick-ups and Deliveries are available for February 13 or February 14 only. All Orders must be picked up by specified time. Timeframe for pickup will be provided February 12th.**